Posted by: Abu Yervant In: Business Ideas
Bogle PHK bulk are bergelayut on this country. Despite the economic crisis may not separah 1998, remains the only sad story PHK. Meanwhile, to start business in the crisis really menciutkan nyali part for us.
So because of this article aims to provoke pewirausaha in us, the following articles are really only for the bernyali. Because when we have more opportunities for doing business in which the candidate was already a ready-ready to go parenthesize intention. The economic crisis became the natural selection. Only the prospective entrepreneur bermental steel will continue to advance.
The economic crisis has helped us reduce the number of competitors, live how we utilize for our benefit. Because whenever we want to start a business will always have the right reasons not to do so. If other people make the economic crisis as a reason not to immediately start their business, thus we must make the economic crisis as a reason to be doing.
But for many, of course, we can not select the original business model for us tekuni. Moreover, the crisis at the time such as this. I also berkasak-kusuk try to find out what the business model that is approximately immune to the crisis terpaan storm?
Next results cash-Kus, in the virtual world and the real world, but not magical world! Of course, the search results until I do not restrict this comrade readers, because the opportunity is always wide open in any business model for anyone who would like to explore and attempt.
This list is not based on any structured, but just random. The first one I find, is the first in the list.
Internet-based business is the business prospects to the future is very bright. Currently more and more people, both old and new pewirausaha start leer internet, either as the basis of their business or a supporter.
If I have to compile a list of business model is not random, but based on the level of kekebalannya to the crisis, then this business model will remain the first choice I made. The merit of which is business;
* Initially Small capital. No building should be renovated, there is no product that must be distok, and others. We do not need to have a store to run the online store. Our investment in the form of money we can only allocate minimalisir with only the cost of hosting and domain plus internet access. In fact, there are ways that free, but we have to give up our efforts bonafiditas.
* The Extraordinary Market Area. The whole world is our market. What if we do speak English? This can be solved with the hiring of translators. Currently, the cost to pay for a translator is not too expensive.
* Currency International. Because our business worldwide, we must use the international currency, the dollar or the euro notabene more stable fluktuasinya.
* Automation. We can mengotomatisasi most of our routine tasks.
It's interesting ebook titled "21 INCOME streams - Multiple Ways to MAKE MONEY ONLINE", which you can read 21 to know the most basic way to generate money through the internet.
Crisis or not we need to just keep eating! Because this business is considered to be able to keep providing benefits for the perpetrators of the crisis. Despite the size of the benefit may be decreased when compared to no crisis, but the recovery will be faster than any other business. This is because the business is to meet the most basic of human needs.
Guide is the main we must select the type of primary food. That is needed every day by many people. We can only sell zwieback, but in a crisis when most people will refrain pemuasan against ngemilnya hobby. Akan different when we sell rice or side dish that is a day-to-day needs. Suppose warteg, restaurants, cafés pecel chicken, and the like.
At the time of crisis such as this is usually the number of people sick increased, because the more stress than usual. As the actual source of most of the burden of disease is thought that excessive. And like it or not people who need treatment sick!
At the same time the number of people who have the awareness of the importance of increasing health. Gini sick days, muahal bo! They realize that better invest a little money to maintain health rather than spend more money for treatment, they know that the better to prevent than treat. Which means that the demand for products and maintenance of health services has been increasing.
We must not become a doctor to be able to enjoy the revenue from the health business. We can be an alternative therapeutist, at this time a lot of courses that can make you a man who is quite advanced. Or if you at this time a therapeutist, consider making training for those who want to like you. Acrobatics or dirikan studio and gym. And of course the easiest to sell medicines health supplements.
No matter the price of gas down, public transport costs there is no story in the history of this country down follow-up! Suebel make them so?
But from this incident caught new opportunities in the field of automotive.
To save transport expenses in the budget, although many people have to impose themselves rather take kreditan motor. Toh cicilannya the same amount with the amount of the budget for transport. Please take the first opportunity deh; the motor.
And most people who take a motorcycle engine on the blind. If we have the expertise in the improvement of the standard vehicle, we can dive in business perbengkelan. Of course, while we have the expertise to offer a spectrum of services more widely.
END settlement
As has been previously submitted a list of business models that the four not to limit this sobat all. There are opportunities anywhere and sometimes come in the form of us who do not recognize before.
And do not impose themselves to run a business that is not in accordance with the field that was only because we prefer in the list above. Because the success and satisfaction of doing business and will only be perfect if we make love to have a business that we tekuni.
If your business is not ideal in the list, I hope the following guidelines can help you a little;
* Look in the field of love that you can meet the primary needs of others. Please note that this primary can vary for each person. Penggila read a book will be considered as the primary, his head will be a headache if you do not read the rumbling as if we have to eat. Meanwhile, stamp collectors are required stamp for hunting at least once a week. This is called niche business, the business is to serve the community but a small community that is loyal and sometimes .. royal.
* Is there a part of the love that you can extend the life of goods a certain age. I type, including a better person out of money to maintain an age-use items that are considered even if it must be older than purchase new products that do not necessarily equal better quality materials and performance.
Let us pray together so that we can get all the business is truly in accordance with our love. And can achieve success in business is our choice.
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